Cindy Howell

Going to the Inner Realms Center is unmistakably the BEST thing I have ever done for myself.

To understand why, I have to tell you what brought me there.  I had been suffering C-PTSD since I was 6, living in ‘flight or fight’ mode that whole time.  Doctors had, over the years, had me on a large variety of drugs, and I had personally tried alcohol and cocaine.  I kicked it all with the help of cannabis years ago, but with new hidden memories coming out I felt the call of everything I had been addicted to again….and unbelievably LOUD.   While this was happening, I was introduced to microdosing psilocybin,  which helped.  And I was invited to watch the documentary DOSED – where I thought I was going to learn more about psilocybin and how it can help me, but there I was shown iboga – and the amazing people who work with it.  I immediatly knew my journey was taking me there.  I eventually did find my way, and 2 years, 1 month and 3 days later I met Garyth and his partner Blair and my time with them started. 

I was scared to death! Blair and Garyth were so kind and caring.  They took me for walks, in beautiful areas around where we were.  They prepared amazing food, and were always making sure I was comfortable.   They were easy to talk with, and open to listening. 

When it came time to dose, they were there to keep me calm, and comfortable.   They honestly looked after everything, and tried so hard to accommodate.  They helped me to rationalize fears, and be open to the healing. And made sure I had the nutrition I would need.  

After dosing,  they smiled with me at the joy I was finding. They were just as thrilled with what I had received from iboga as I was.  And the benefits of the medicine,  for me, were so very much more than I ever could have hoped for. 

My heart and soul are healing. I am not craving my addictions.  I am opening up to the person I am meant to be, and discovering the path I should be on. 

I am forever grateful for this medicine, and the people who helped me along my path – Blair and Garyth of Inner Realms.

And in case you don’t realize, I 100% recommend them and gave them the full 5 stars.
