Did you know you can microdose for ADHD? Yup, that’s the news these days from all the latest research:

Tripsitter says that current research supports the idea that tryptamine-based psychedelics, such as psilocybin, LSD, MDMA, and DMT, are useful for treating other conditions associated with neurochemical balance. Many of these conditions share distinct overlaps with the pathophysiology believed to underpin ADHD.

One of the latest emails from Tricycle Day pointed out that “a recent paper captured their… um, attention.”

“You see, people have been microdosing to treat their ADHD for quite a while. But so far, there hasn’t been much rigorous investigation into this use case.

So a team of researchers watched 233 microdosers with ADHD in the real world to see how the practice of taking itty bitty doses of psychedelics affected hallmarks of the disorder. Here’s what they found.

  • 😌 Mindfulness increased. Participants noticed a marked improvement in their everyday awareness of the present moment, especially when it came to “description” and “non-judging of inner experience.”
  • 😰 Neuroticism decreased. By the 4 week mark, participants rated themselves as significantly less neurotic (or prone to self-consciousness, nerves, and other negative affects).
  • 😐 Other personality traits were unaffected. The researchers expected to see improvements in extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness, too, but changes in these areas weren’t significant.

Of course, the study wasn’t placebo controlled. And even if it were, we still wouldn’t be able to rule out the influence of positive expectations.

Thankfully, the participants got the same positive effects from microdosing, whether they were on traditional ADHD meds or not. Hey, we’ll take it. That’s one less thing we have to remember. 🫠”

Even PsyPost talked about the study today here saying “Adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or severe ADHD symptoms who practiced microdosing with psychedelics reported increases in mindfulness after four weeks, according to new preliminary research published in Frontiers in Psychiatry. The findings underscore the importance of conducting future placebo-controlled studies to validate whether these observed changes can be replicated in a controlled experimental environment.”

“We have previously demonstrated that individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) engage in the self-medication practice of low repeated doses of a psychedelic substance, commonly known as microdosing. This approach has been shown to result in improvements in ADHD symptoms and overall well-being,” said study author Eline C. H. M. Haijen (@ehaijen), a PhD candidate at the Department of Neuropsychology and Psychopharmacology at Maastricht University.”

Might be something to it!


