At Inner Realms Center, our specialty is working with people who have become addicted to opioids. Opioid detox is a difficult process to undertake but we find not only is the addiction interrupted but that many of the withdrawal symptoms are relieved by Ibogaine, which is a healing psychoactive from West Africa.

For some of our clients, the healing properties of our home made cannabis oil greatly assists the whole process, primarily to increase appetite and help with sleep.

Many of our clients found their way to opioid dependence through a prescription from their family doctor for an opioid like Tylenol 3’s, Percocet, hydrocodone etc. Opioids are prescribed more per capita in Canada than any other country. Yes, even in the US.

How cannabis oil heals

Some may not have experienced the benefits of cannabis oil before, so for these clients we start them on a very low dose applied orally in a gel cap. This works well as the body “finds its feet” again after such an intense physical transition.

Overall we’ve found cannabis oil relieves withdrawal symptoms, reduces anxiety, restlessness and helps to normalize the digestive tract. The cannabis oil also provides strength to continue detoxification. We’ve also had great success using it to help with irritability, depression, aching muscles and limbs that often occurs when detoxing.

We find that the less you use of the oil, the less you need to use, which is why we always start low and increase the dose until we’re seeing the desired effects. Appetite returns relatively quickly after an Ibogaine treatment but sleep sometimes not so fast. That’s where the oil can be most efficient, taken at night with some other supplements for sleep, like GABA and melatonin.

We live in Vancouver, British Columbia, where high quality medical strains of cannabis are easily available and relatively cheap by industrialized counties prices so we decided to make our own and with great success. We normally use a heavy Indica strain like Purple or Critical Kush, as these seem the best for muscle relaxation, pain and insomnia.

Our use of the oil is now expanding to cancer, fibromyalgia and emphysema patients who have heard of us through alternative healing circles. I myself am a recovered hard drug user and use cannabis oil daily for ADD and insomnia.

For many a person recovering from opioid addiction or dependency, cannabis and its oil is a god-send and could mean the difference of opioid abstinence or relapse.

