A testimonial from Reanna

A testimonial from Reanna

Reanna was with us recently, and was our longest-staying, most difficult client to-date. We gave her Ibogaine daily for a total of 5 1/2 weeks but in the end, it was very rewarding. She’s so happy waking up every day not using, which is unbelievable to...
MDMA-Assisted therapy

MDMA-Assisted therapy

MDMA is another wonder drug of the psychedelic renaissance that not so long ago parents dreaded to hear about. That was because what their kids were buying was cut with very nasty chemicals and they didn’t really know what they were getting into. Change is in the air....
Joshua’s* Testimonial

Joshua’s* Testimonial

Our clients have been saying a lot of nice things about us and while we’re always happy to hear this, we’re much more ecstatic to witness their turnaround to embrace a life full of rich potential. This testimonial is from Joshua* who came to us in early...